Free 360 Employee Review Template

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PDF - PerformYard's 360 Review Template

Why 360 Reviews?

360 reviews broaden our sources of feedback in a performance management process. For development focused approaches especially, it can be helpful for employees to get feedback from not just their manager, but everyone they work with.

360s are particularly useful in matrixed or project based organizations where employees work with many different people throughout the organization. Sometimes an employees manager isn’t even the best person to provide feedback, and so going to the people who know the employee best requires a 360 approach.

Goals of a 360 Review

An effective 360 review will solicit diverse feedback from people with different relationships to the employee and from different levels of the organization. That feedback will then be synthesized and discussed with a manager or mentor to help make sense of what to do with it.

Great 360 processes don’t just collect a lot of feedback and throw it on the employee with no guidance or next steps. Instead they include time for discussion and goal setting to turn conversation into action.

Managing the Process

A high quality 360 process will be run in stages. The first stage is nomination, when the feedback providers for each employee are decided. That is followed by people completing their feedback forms. Then HR or managers should review feedback and either get clarity or help frame it more constructively. Next managers should synthesize feedback in their own review and help determine next steps. Lastly, managers and employees should get together to discuss the feedback that has been provided.

This staging is discussed in more detail in the above template.

360 Review Example Comments

Positive Feedback Examples

  • Your collaboration skills are outstanding, evidenced by your efforts to include diverse ideas and opinions, fostering a highly inclusive and productive team environment.
  • Your technical expertise and willingness to mentor colleagues have greatly contributed to the team. Your readiness to share knowledge and provide guidance enhances our skill level and project outcomes.
  • You consistently demonstrate strong leadership skills, effectively guiding your team through challenges. Your motivational approach significantly contributes to the department's success.
  • Your adaptability and positive response to change have been crucial during transitional periods. Handling new challenges with professionalism, you set a positive example for the team.
  • You are highly appreciated for your empathetic approach and active listening skills. These qualities make you an excellent team player and someone we all enjoy working with.

Critical Feedback Examples

  • There are instances where clearer communication from you could prevent misunderstandings and ensure everyone is aligned. Focusing on this will enhance team efficiency.
  • While your independent work is commendable, more engagement and support in team activities would improve our collective output and team spirit.
  • Encouraging you to take on more leadership roles and demonstrate initiative in group settings. This will not only aid your career growth but also positively impact our team dynamics.
  • Occasionally, your attention to detail in collaborative projects has been lacking. Ensuring thoroughness in your contributions will help maintain the high-quality standards of our team.
  • There is an opportunity for you to enhance innovation in your approach to projects. Embracing creativity in problem-solving can lead to more effective and dynamic solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a 360 review template?

A 360 review template provides HR professionals a process and questionnaires in order to run a 360 review process at their organization.

How do I create a 360 degree feedback form?

360 review feedback forms should be kept relatively short and simple, as employees will likely be asked to fill out several with each cycle. Focus on examples of positive contributions and areas for improvement.

What should I ask in a 360 review?

360 review forms should ask for examples of positive contributions and areas for improvement. The purpose of 360s is to get diverse perspectives, and so focusing on examples and qualitative feedback is most important.

How many questions should a 360 have?

Keep 360 review forms to just a few questions. As few as two and as many as six will work well. Employees will often be asked to complete several forms during each cycle, and so keeping them short helps move the process forward.

What is a 360 evaluation process?

A 360 evaluation process will find the right people to provide feedback for an employee, solicit feedback from those people, review the feedback in a sign-off step, synthesize feedback into a cohesive narrative, and finally present the feedback to the employee.

What is a 360 assessment question?

360 assessment questions focus on examples of positive impact and examples of opportunities for improvement. They can also ask for ratings of overall performance or yes/no feedback on things like “would you want to have this employee on your team in the future?”