Easy, Intuitive Goal Management Software

Track and align individual, team, and company-wide goals within an easy-to-use goal management software.

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Trust Radius
4.5 out of 5 stars

Goals and Performance Reviews, Together at Last

Align Your People

Get your whole organization moving in the same direction with cascading goals.

Check In Frequently

Bring goals into your review cycles to update progress and close the loop on performance.

Formalize Development

Build your culture to promote personal growth with development goal cycles.

PerformYard’s goal setting is integral for our organization as we move towards vision setting and more long-term goals for individual departments and people.

Diana C.


I love the ability for both employees and managers to be able to collaborate on goal setting and update goals throughout the year. PerformYard has helped us establish quarterly goal check-ins and enhance our mid-year review process.

Beth P.

Environmental Serv.

PerformYard has allowed our goal-setting and review process to become streamlined and more efficient. This has helped HR stay organized and it has created a better experience for our employees.

Tamara R.


In PerformYard, we can make performance and goal achievement streamlined, interactive, and rewarding. Plus, there are points of documentation along the way that create the paper trail performance management needs.

Hannah W.


Cascade Goal Setting

Create strong alignment by setting goals from the top down. See how employee goals affect team goals and company-wide goals in real-time.

Track Individual Progress

Every manager can watch how goals are progressing or check-in on goals throughout the year.

Get Clear Visualizations

Quickly produce charts and graphs that show goal progression for individuals, teams and departments.

Connect Goals With Reviews

At review time managers can bring goal progress right into performance review forms for comment or scoring.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is goal management software?

Goal management software is a tool that helps you set, track, and achieve goals. It lets you create clear goals, monitor progress, and see how well you’re doing. This software makes it easier to stay organized and focused on reaching your objectives.

Why use goal-setting software?

Goal-setting software keeps everyone organized, reminds you of deadlines, and shows progress, so you can easily monitor employee performance. This way, you can identify areas for improvement, recognize achievements, and align individual goals with company goals.

Want to get started today? Download our free employee goal-setting template here.

What is the SMART system for goals?

The SMART system is a way to set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This method helps you create clear and reachable goals by defining exactly what you want to achieve and setting a deadline for it.

How can PerformYard’s goal management software help my HR team?

PerformYard’s goal management software helps your HR team by making it easy to set and track individual, team, and company-wide goals, so you can ensure everyone’s aligned toward a common objective. It allows frequent check-ins on progress, so you can keep everyone on track. It also integrates goal achievements with performance reviews, so you can seamlessly evaluate and reward your team’s success.

How do I choose the goal management tool that’s right for me?

To choose the right goal management tool, think about your needs. We suggest looking for features that help you track progress, set deadlines, and collaborate with others. Check reviews, try demos, and ensure it fits your budget. To help you get started, check out our list of the best goal management software for 2024

Goal Management Software Overview

Your Complete Performance Management Toolkit

Reviews & Check-Ins

Drive high quality performance conversations

  • Employee appraisals
  • 360 reviews
  • Quarterly check-ins
  • Project-based reviews
  • One-on-ones

Goal Management

Align your people around what’s next

  • Collaborative goal setting
  • Goal check-ins
  • Cascading goals
  • Development goals
  • Corporate objectives
  • Employee performance visualizations

Continuous Feedback

Formalize continuous and relevant feedback

  • Continuous feedback
  • Employee recognition
  • Employee performance notes
  • Manager feedback
  • Feedback requests

Reporting and Analytics

Inform your HR decision making

  • Performance trends
  • 9 box grids
  • Rankings
  • Summary reporting
  • Review form calculations

Employee Engagement

Listen. Learn. Take Action.

  • PerformYard Engagement Survey
  • Engagement Factors and Questions
  • Engagement Trends Dashboard
  • Satisfaction Factor Analysis
  • Dynamic Employee Cohorting
Get a Demo of Goal Management
Quickly see PerformYard Goal Management in action and get your questions answered by our product experts.