Free 90-Day Employee Performance Review Template

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PDF - PerformYard's 90-Day Review Template

Why 90-day reviews?

90-day reviews of new employees have several benefits including increased productivity, stronger employee-manager relationships, and the opportunity for quick feedback. Employee turnover in the first year is high and 90-day reviews ensure employees get the information they need to correct issues and double down on successes.

Additionally, 90 days is a realistic timeframe to measure a new employee’s performance and give them ample time to formulate their own questions. Successful 90-day reviews also complete the transition from new employee to valuable contributor.

Goals of a 90-day review

90-day reviews should make the onboarding processes for hires and managers easier and begin a formal review cycle that continues during the employee’s time at the company.

A 90-day review also lets employees ask questions and share feedback with the company about their experience so far. In return, the managers share their feedback, set clear expectations for the future, and build their relationship with the new hire

Managing the 90-day review process

There are several ways to manage the 90-day performance review process including email, online survey tools, and online performance management systems.

The easiest way to manage 90-day performance review with online performance management systems like PerformYard. These flexible systems have benefits like automating the process, recording the employee’s performance history in one place, and using comparison tools to review an employee’s 90-day performance with future performance check-ins.

More cumbersome is using email to manage 90-day reviews. HR directors can send review forms to managers and employees for them to fill out the review. Completed forms are then saved manually to an employee’s file.

Another option is to use an online survey tool like Survey Monkey or Google Sheets. Survey programs have the option to export results to a spreadsheet which are transferred manually to the employee’s file.

If you're interested in streamlining your performance management process (including 90-day reviews), click here to learn more about the PerformYard platform.


When should new employee performance reviews happen?

While some organizations check-in with employees after 30 or 60 days to evaluate the onboarding process, the first true performance review is commonly done at 90 days.

90 days is a good timeframe for employees to understand the organization and their responsibilities. Since performing at a new job is stressful, managers should not postpone these reviews unnecessarily.

What questions should I ask in a 90-day review?

Along with performance questions you would ask of any employee, there are specific questions to ask new hires. These include “How does your new role compare to the expectations you had coming in?” Download our template for more questions.

How should a 90-day review be structured?

90-day reviews should include a self review, manager review and a performance conversation. Employees should have the opportunity to ask their own questions and offer feedback for the manager and company.