Automated Performance Reviews | 5 Reasons to Switch

Automated performance reviews can help solve the persistent problems businesses face in 2022. Organizations worldwide are grappling with worker shortages caused by the pandemic.

In years past, a business could replace a worker who wasn't performing well. Now, businesses need to work with the employee to elevate performance. In other words, the business needs to develop a performance management strategy.

Annual reviews are no longer enough to motivate and empower employee performance. According to SHRM, more frequent reviews yielded the best results. 60% of HR professionals prefer semiannual reviews and 86% prefer quarterly reviews. An astonishing 90% of HR professionals are using ongoing reviews

Frequent performance reviews are resource-intensive. That’s why so many companies only do them once a year (or never). Large companies face a particularly daunting challenge. These organizations may have hundreds or thousands of employees to review. 

So how can HR professionals use technology to meet this challenge? Switching to an automated performance review system increases efficiency and accuracy. It also improves communication between employees and managers.

This article will reveal why you should switch to an automated performance review system. We’ll also explain how the best performance evaluation software can save you time and money. 

A quick demo can show you how automated reviews will work for your organization.Learn More

What is Automated Performance Management?

Performance reviews guide and empower employee performance, but these check-ins can be time-consuming. SHRM found that managers spend over 210 hours per year on performance reviews alone. 

Automated performance management tools make it easier for managers to assess employee performance. These tools show data to track employee work patterns and progress toward goals.

Automated Performance Review vs. Manual Reviews

The job of reviewing and monitoring employee performance is never done. Managers must review their employees' work and provide feedback on an ongoing basis. 

While many companies still use manual reviews, the manual process has several disadvantages. 

Manual reviews are less accurate than automated reviews

Bias is a major factor in the validity of manual reviews. Automating the review process helps you score employees based on completed goals. Reviews are less likely to show bias when you use data to fill out reviews.

Manual reviews are more time-consuming and resource-intensive than automated reviews

Manual reviews are a heavy lift for HR departments, and most HR departments are already stretched thin. Automated reviews rely on software to gather employee data. Manual reviews force HR to send many emails and reminders to get the same information.

Manual reviews are more expensive than automated reviews

It’s no secret that automated reviews are only possible through software investment. Still, manual reviews are more expensive when you consider how much time HR spends on the process

Anyone who uses manual reviews is already familiar with the method’s shortcomings. You may have even considered switching from manual to automated reviews

Switching from manual to automated performance reviews may seem is as simple as uploading manual forms into a software tool like PerformYard. Let’s talk about why you may want to switch to automated performance reviews in your organization. 

5 Reasons to Switch to Automated Performance Reviews 

Automated performance review software helps you streamline and simplify your performance review process. The software lets employers assess work, provide feedback, and track progress.

1. It’s Easier for HR to Run Automated Reviews

HR departments have responsibilities that extend well beyond performance management. Automating the performance review process can help to ease the burden on HR. 

Performance management software notifies employees when they need to fill out reviews. It also alerts managers to sign off on reviews. Every employee can sign into one platform to fill out reviews. That means HR doesn’t have to email reviews to individuals

PerformYard's performance review tool streamlines the review process. This tool lets you build custom forms and schedule their distribution. You can also assign forms to employees and use notifications to tell people that the form is ready for completion. 

Ready to move on from spreadsheets? PerformYard can streamline your process.Learn More

2. Review and Approval Notifications

Tracking performance reviews for a large organization can become an overwhelming task. HR has enough to do without having to bug people to fill out reviews. PerformYard sends updates that let employees and managers know when it's time to fill out reviews.

The tool sends the completed reviews to managers for approval when they are ready. Worried how you'll keep track of all the reviews? PerformYard stores every review, piece of feedback and goal in the employee’s profile. 

3. Automated Review Systems Produce Actionable Data

Automated performance review software compiles employee data from multiple review cycles into one report. From there, managers can see positive and negative trends. These trends can help inform future reviews.

PerformYard reports provide a comprehensive view of employee performance over time. PerformYard makes it easy for employees, teams, and managers to identify opportunities for growth. These types of reports aren’t an option when you use manual processes. 

Do more with your employee reviews with data from PerformYard.Learn More

4. Focus on the People Instead of the Process

Conducting performance reviews has long been a time-consuming process. Now, HR professionals can use automated review tools to assess employee performance. This shifts the focus from a difficult review process to the actual employees going through the reviews.

Automated performance review tools allow HR professionals to focus on the people rather than the process. Automating the review process helps managers, employees and HR focus on giving great reviews.

5. Store Every Review Interaction to Use in Annual Reviews

Unlike manual reviews, automated review systems store every employee's interactions within the system. For example, PerformYard stores one-off feedback notes, quarterly check-ins, 1:1 meeting notes, and goals in one place. This information is stored in the employee's profile and used to create a report for the annual review. 

The employee report shows how well the employee performed over the year. It also includes data on how often the employee received positive or negative feedback. This information helps managers decide if an employee needs more training or if they are meeting expectations.  

First Step to Switching to Automated Performance Reviews 

If you're ready to make the switch, you're not alone. A study by Gartner found that more than 80% of HR leaders are changing their performance management systems.  

So what’s the first step to transitioning to an automated performance review system? It starts with finding a platform that can work with your existing review process. PerformYard is the best performance review software for small companies and large organizations.

With PerformYard, you don't have to conform to anybody else's vision for success. PerformYard is a flexible performance management tool that lets you decide what to measure and when. You can set individual and team goals and measure success on an ongoing basis, according to a manageable, predictable schedule. 

Take 20 minutes to explore PerformYard.Learn More